What makes Splendor X™ different from other Laser Hair Removal Devices?
There are many things that make Splendor X™ way ahead of every other platform:
Am I a candidate for Splendor X ?
Splendor X™ can treat all ethnicitie, all skin types and color included tanned skin but not a fresh tan within a week, nor on burnt skin.
To permanently remove hair, the hair germinal cells must be killed. This is done by using a laser whose wavelength matches the pigment of the hair. The heat absorbed by the pigment travels to the germinal cells and permanently injures them. In the growth phase of a hair cycle (one of 3 phases of the life of a hair), the hair is attached to the germ cells so the heat is effectively transferred to them. In the other 2 phases of the hair cycle, the heat will not lead to killing the germ cell. This is why several treatments are needed, so as to eventually hit most of the hairs in the growth phase.
Full body treatments are generally 30-40 minutes, whereas other devices are 90 minutes to 2 hours.
One should expect about 85-95% permanent hair reduction after 6 treatments.. For all skin types there is a minimum of 4-6 treatments..
There is no downtime associated with laser hair removal. Splendor X™ is the most comfortable laser hair removal technology on the market.
Upper lip, chin, checks, sideburns underarm, between browns, ears, nose,fingers,toes,
upper arm, forearm, bikini, neck,chin&upperlip,
lower back, upper back, lower legs, upper legs, full face, chest, abs, brazilian bikini, buttocks,shoulder
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